Category Archives: Upcoming Shows

Come out to Equality PA’s Fundraiser!

This Thursday (12/1/11) I will be performing at The William Way Center for a fundraiser for the organization Equality PA. The theme of the storytelling/poetry/spoken word evening is “Family.” Eeeekkk!!!

Here are some facts about Equality PA:

  • They employ the only lobbyist for LGBT issues in PA. They are THE voice for our equality in Harrisburg.
  • They’ve helped pass 24 non-discrimination ordinances in towns across the commonwealth and with our continued support they can continue to protect LGBT citizens across the state w/ local legislation.
  • EQPA worked to make PA one of the friendliest and easiest states in the nation for transgender people to change their driver’s license to accurately reflect their gender.

Doors open at 7:00pm at The William Way Community Center, 1315 Spruce Street. There is a $10 suggested donation.

Here is the invite on Facebook

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